lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008


(Published: 05/10/2008 Edition No.: 232)

Los Alcazares are celebrating 25 years of being an independent municipality. In true Spanish style have organised a host of fiestas to clelebrate. Beginning on Monday 6th October there will be a conference on the History of Los Alcazares in the 19th and 20th centuries starting at 8pm in the Casa Consistorial de Los Alcázares. On Wednesday 8th the conference will be on the Republic and the Civil War, Franco and present day. This will also be at 8pm in the same place. On Thursday 9th there will be a demonstration by the emergency forces in the town, involving local police, firemen, and Guardia Civil at 5.30 pm in Parque de las Peñas Huertanas. On the same day the local fairground will be offering rides at 50% discount from 6.30pm onwards and a painting display will be on view to the public in the Casa Consistoral from 8.30pm until October 30th. Titled Aqua, the artist is Cesar Rodriguez. On Friday 10th there will be a parchis and petanca competition in the Parque de las Peñas Huertanas at 10.30am and at 1.30pm there will be a pudding competition. 2pm is the Great Caldero for everyone, accompanied by disco music in the Parque again and a Flamenco show will take place at 10pm in CISSMU. On Saturday 11th the Mar Menor will be full of kite surfers for the windsurfing and kite surfing events which willl continue on the Sunday too. Also on Saturday 11th there will be a bicycle ride around the town with all participants receiving a prize. The ride will leave the town hall at 10am but please arrive earlier to enroll. Juventud has organised various activities for youngsters in the Parque de las Peñas between 10am and 2.30pm; paintball and various workshops for anyone over 14 and then at 2.30pm a sardine feast has been organised for the youngsters. At 3.30 pm you can try scuba diving at the Espejo Beach, while at 5.30 pm there will be entertainment for children in the Parque de las Peñas. Then at 7.30pm there will be a rock concert, followed by the Orchestra Show Band at 11pm. On Sunday a mass will be held at 9.30am followed by a street procession which will start at 12pm.

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